Hello Everyone,

Sal here, with an CMD-D update.

The first CMD-D: Masters of Automation Conference was a resounding success!! As a gift from our CMD-D 2017 sponsors – The Omni Group and Jamf - we are sharing the videos from CMD-D 2017. We aren't promising to always share video footage of CMD-D events, but we are thrilled to make these freely available. It was great to bring together the Apple automation and scripting community!

For 2018, we are excited to announce the CMD-D: Down-Home Scripting Boot Camp – an expanded three days of intensive scripting education. Ray Robertson and I will teach it, with hands-on exercises, and limited size for personal attention. It is designed for someone brand new to scripting, and useful for a scripter who is hungry to know more. This time, we are going to Ray's hometown, just outside of Atlanta, to enjoy some legendary Southern Hospitality. So, without further ado, I'm pleased to invite you to the CMD-D: Down-Home Scripting Boot Camp! Registration is now open!

Best wishes and happy scripting,



Sal Soghoian

Sal Soghoian

For two decades plus, Sal has championed user automation from both inside and outside of Apple.

As the principle for Automated Workflows Inc., Ray has trained and inspired scripters from around the world. And as host of our Scripting Boot Camp, he shares decades of automation expertise and insight with the class.

Ray Robertson

Ray Robertson


Sal Soghoian

Sal Soghoian

For two decades plus, Sal has championed user automation from both inside and outside of Apple.

Sal Soghoian

Ray Robertson

As the principle for Automated Workflows Inc., Ray has trained and inspired scripters from around the world. And as host of our Scripting Boot Camp, he shares decades of automation expertise and insight with the class.


DAY 1 • Monday • AppleScript Basics

Mon 08:00-09:00AM



Mon 09:00-09:30AM


Sal and Ray open the conference.

Mon 09:30-10:15AM

Class Warfare

Strings, numbers, and more — oh, my! Grasp the class differences in AppleScript for a strong scripting foundation, prevention of roadblocks and help with troubleshooting.

Mon 10:15-11:00AM

Commands and Conditionals

AppleScript-native commands are few but mighty! Interactive, group exercises give you practice with essential if/then conditional statements.

Mon 11:00-11:15AM

Morning Break


Mon 11:15-12:30PM

Let’s Dialog

Establish how to read dictionaries, coerce classes, build conditionals, and most importantly, create a good script interface! Interactive exercises put your new Dialog Box skills to the test.

Mon 12:30-01:30PM



Mon 01:30-02:30PM

Repeat That Again

Learn about the all-important ability to loop (or repeat) processes, with exercises to help you get it down pat.

Mon 02:30-03:00PM

Scripting Additions

Discover Scripting Additions. Extend the built-in command set and expand AppleScript's features beyond functionality provided by applications.

Mon 03:00-03:15PM

Afternoon Break


Mon 03:15-04:30PM

Scripting the Finder

The Finder provides a basic object model, perfect for better understanding AppleScript. Learn how the powerful “whose” clauses available to AppleScript make complex searches easy.

Mon 04:30-05:00PM

Using Libraries

See how to use other free libraries, including a great Finder alternative for file and folder management.

Mon 05:00-07:00PM

Dinner/Evening Break


Mon 07:00-09:00PM

Scripting iWork

Learn how many great things can get done with AppleScript using Pages, Numbers and Keynote.

DAY 2 • Tuesday • Intermediate AppleScript

Tue 08:00-09:00AM



Tue 09:00-10:00AM

System Handlers

Explore how to code droplets and applets using systems handlers. An interactive exercise aids you building your own great interface using all system handlers.

Tue 10:00-11:00AM

DIY Handlers

Find out how to define and build your own (non-system) handlers for often-used functions. Try your hand at creating your hand-crafted, homegrown DIY (define it yourself) handlers.

Tue 11:00-11:15AM

Morning Break


Tue 11:15-12:30PM

Trap and Debug

Get the hang of step-by-step debugging, introspection into dictionaries, and more. Find out why novice and experienced scripters alike consider Script Debugger their best friend with this extensive overview and practice session.

Tue 12:30-01:30PM



Tue 01:30-02:15PM

Classic Text Techniques

Soak up some of the classic ways to manipulate text, which are useful to this day, and reinforce important scripting concepts.

Tue 02:15-03:00PM

Modern AppleScript

AppleScriptObj-C libraries bring us new and fast ways to work with text and other objects.

Tue 03:00-03:15PM

Afternoon Break


Tue 03:15-04:15PM

Scripting the Un-Scriptable

Find out how to work with applications which have poor Apple Event support, or none at all.

Tue 04:15-05:00PM

Scripting System Events

System Events provide myriad possibilities and significant scripting excitement. Get a better sense of the UI Suite, XML, the Processes Suite, and more.

Tue 05:00-07:00PM

Dinner/Evening Break


Tue 07:00-08:00PM

Omni Automation

The Omni Group introduces full application object-model scripting for their apps on both macOS and iOS. Based on JavaScript Core in WebKit, Omni Automation scripts can automate application processes, can receive data from and be executed by JavaScript scripts hosted in web page, and can be integrated with Apple’s Workflow app on iOS. Write-once scripting is closer than ever!

Tue 08:00-09:00PM

Siri Shortcuts

The next leap forward in Apple Automation, learn what Siri Shortcuts enable and what they mean for you.

DAY 3 • Wednesday • Get “Real Work” Done!

Wed 08:00-09:00AM



Wed 09:00-10:15AM

Working with Text

Learn about working with text in BBEdit, Microsoft Word, TextEdit, and Notes. Discover other approaches for manipulating text.

Wed 10:15-11:00AM

Working with Data

Get the low down on how to snarf information from Microsoft Excel and other data sources, and really make the data shine.

Wed 11:00-11:15AM

Morning Break


Wed 11:15-12:30PM

Working with Page Layout

Discover the extensive scripting capability of Adobe InDesign. Don’t know InDesign? No worries. Everyone knows what page layout is, and this will increase your ability to navigate and read extensive dictionaries.

Wed 12:30-01:30PM



Wed 01:30-02:15PM

Working with Slides and PDFs

Explore what can (and can’t) be done with PDFs. Find out how to populate PowerPoint slides.

Wed 02:15-03:00PM

Driving the UNIX Shell

Master using the “do shell script” command to take advantage of all the standard UNIX utilities that come in macOS.

Wed 03:00-03:15PM

Afternoon Break


Wed 03:15-05:00PM

Scripting Free-for-All

Roll up your sleeves and get going with expert help! Bring your questions and get started on your own projects! In this interactive lab you can ask Ray and Sal for input and get questions answered. If time allows, learn about some model solutions showing innovative automated ways to get real work done.


DAY 1 • Monday • AppleScript Basics

Mon 08:00-09:00AM


Mon 09:00-09:30AM


Scripting Boot Camp opens with the Big Picture.

Mon 09:30-10:15AM

Class Warfare

Strings, numbers, and more — oh, my! Grasp the class differences in AppleScript for a strong scripting foundation, prevention of roadblocks and help with troubleshooting.

Mon 10:15-11:00AM

Commands and Conditionals

AppleScript-native commands are few but mighty! Interactive, group exercises give you practice with essential if/then conditional statements.

Mon 11:00-11:15AM

Morning Break

Mon 11:15-12:30PM

Let’s Dialog

Establish how to read dictionaries, coerce classes, build conditionals, and most importantly, create a good script interface! Interactive exercises put your new Dialog Box skills to the test.

Mon 12:30-01:30PM


Mon 01:30-02:30PM

Repeat That Again

Learn about the all-important ability to loop (or repeat) processes, with exercises to help you get it down pat.

Mon 02:30-03:00PM

Scripting Additions

Discover Scripting Additions. Extend the built-in command set and expand AppleScript's features beyond functionality provided by applications.

Mon 03:00-03:15PM

Afternoon Break

Mon 03:15-04:30PM

Scripting the Finder

The Finder provides a basic object model, perfect for better understanding AppleScript. Learn how the powerful “whose” clauses available to AppleScript make complex searches easy.

Mon 04:30-05:00PM

Using Libraries

See how to use other free libraries, including a great Finder alternative for file and folder management.

Mon 05:00-07:00PM

Dinner Break

Mon 07:00-09:00PM

Scripting iWork

Learn how many great things can get done with AppleScript using Pages, Numbers and Keynote.

DAY 2 • Tuesday • Intermediate AppleScript

Tue 08:00-09:00AM


Tue 09:00-10:00AM

System Handlers

Explore how to code droplets and applets using systems handlers. An interactive exercise has you building your own great interface using all system handlers.

Tue 10:00-11:00AM

DIY Handlers

Find out how to define and build your own (non-system) handlers for often-used functions. Try creating your own hand-crafted, homegrown DIY (define it yourself) handlers.

Tue 11:00-11:15AM

Morning Break

Tue 11:15-12:30PM

Trap and Debug

Get the hang of step-by-step debugging, introspection into dictionaries, and more. Find out why novice and experienced scripters alike consider Script Debugger their best friend with this extensive overview and practice session.

Tue 12:30-01:30PM


Tue 01:30-02:15PM

Classic Text Techniques

Soak up some of the classic ways to manipulate text, which are useful to this day, and reinforce important scripting concepts.

Tue 02:15-03:00PM

Modern AppleScript

AppleScriptObj-C libraries bring us new and fast ways to work with text and other objects.

Tue 03:00-03:15PM

Afternoon Break

Tue 03:15-04:15PM

Scripting the Un-Scriptable

Find out how to work with applications which have poor Apple Event support, or none at all.

Tue 04:15-05:00PM

System Events

System Events provide myriad possibilities and significant scripting excitement. Get a better sense of the UI Suite, XML, the Processes Suite, and more.

Tue 05:00-07:00PM

Dinner Break

Tue 07:00-08:00PM

Omni Automation for macOS & iOS

The Omni Group introduces full application object-model scripting for their apps on both macOS and iOS. Based on JavaScript Core in WebKit, Omni Automation scripts can automate application processes, can receive data from and be executed by JavaScript scripts hosted in web page, and can be integrated with Apple’s Workflow app on iOS. Write-once scripting is closer than ever!

Tue 08:00-09:00PM

Siri Shortcuts

The next leap forward in Apple Automation, learn what Siri Shortcuts enable and what they mean for you.

DAY 3 • Wednesday • Get “Real Work” Done!

Wed 08:00-09:00AM


Wed 09:00-10:15AM

Working with Text

Learn about working with text in BBEdit, Microsoft Word, TextEdit, and Notes. Discover other approaches for manipulating text.

Wed 10:15-11:00AM

Working with Data

Get the low down on how to snarf information from Microsoft Excel and other data sources, and really make the data shine.

Wed 11:00-11:15AM

Morning Break

Wed 11:15-12:30PM

Working with Page Layout

Discover the extensive scripting capability of Adobe InDesign. Don’t know InDesign? No worries. Everyone knows what page layout is, and this will increase your ability to navigate and read extensive dictionaries.

Wed 12:30-01:30PM


Wed 01:30-02:15PM

Working with Slides and PDFs

Explore what can (and can’t) be done with PDFs. Find out how to populate PowerPoint slides.

Wed 02:15-03:00PM

Driving the UNIX Shell

Master using the “do shell script” command to take advantage of all the standard UNIX utilities that come in macOS.

Wed 03:00-03:15PM

Afternoon Break

Wed 03:15-05:00PM

Scripting Free-for-All

Roll up your sleeves and get going with expert help! Bring your questions and get started on your own projects! In this interactive lab you can ask Ray and Sal for input and get questions answered. If time allows, learn about some model solutions showing innovative automated ways to get real work done.

*Shift happens: schedule subject to change without notice.

Register for CMD-D Today!

Hilton Garden Inn

Hilton Santa Clara

Hosted at the Hilton Garden Inn, CMD-D Down-Home Scripting Boot Camp is a 3-day-long conference filled with insightful challenging sessions, camaraderie, and conversations in a laid-back southern location. Register today! You don’t want to miss this!

Ticketing by Eventbrite

wordpress themes by wpicus

wordpress themes by wpicus

About CMD-D

CMD-D Masters of Automation is a collaborative project working to bring together the macOS and iOS user automation community, and to further the notion that the power of the computer should reside in the hands of those using it.