Wednesday, August 9th, 2017 • Hilton Santa Clara
4949 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054


Hello Everyone,

Sal here, with something pretty cool to share with you. We’ve started a new conference to bring together the Apple automation and scripting community!

The conference is called CMD-D (pronounced “Command-D”), and it will be held August 9th at the Santa Clara Convention Center. It’ll be a full day of exploring the current state of automation technology on both Apple platforms, sharing ideas and concepts, and showing what’s possible—all with the goal of inspiring and furthering development of your own automation projects.

To assist in this exploration of all things Automation, I’ve invited some of my smartest friends to present sessions focused on their own areas of automation expertise, on macOS and iOS. And, for those new to automation, we’re also planning a Scripting Boot Camp on August 8th.

I’m really excited about CMD-D. Finally, the Apple automation community has its own conference. If you use automation, create automation or develop software, this is your conference too.

Please plan to join me August 9th in Santa Clara. Registration for CMD-D is open now!

Best wishes and happy scripting,

Sal Soghoian


Brett Terpstra

Brett lives to speed up workflows. Also a web and app developer, he writes, authors books, and hosts the Systematic and Overtired podcasts.


Jon Pugh

A pillar of the original AppleScript team, Jon also worked on OpenDoc, spent a decade at Adobe on InDesign, and now helps developers secure mobile apps.


Jason Snell

Lead editor at Macworld for a decade, Jason now writes at Six Colors and hosts numerous podcasts on the Relay FM and Incomparable networks.

Shelly Brisbin

Shelly Brisbin

Author of 15 books, including iOS Access for All, Shelly has covered technology in leading publications for more than two decades. A renowned expert in tech and accessibility, she also hosts The Parallel podcast.


John Welch

Like all good admins, John is lazy, thus the scripts. AppleScript since System 7 Pro, but also REXX, shell, DOS Batch, OS/2 Batch, VBA, PowerCLI, etc.


David Sparks

Lawyer by day, David Sparks writes and podcasts about the best tools and workflows to get work done for Macworld magazine,, MacSparky Field Guides, and the Mac Power Users and Free Agents podcasts.

Allison Sheridan

Allison Sheridan

From engineering military equipment to managing 150 system admins, Allison knows things. A 12-year veteran host of Podfeet Podcasts, she also guests on TWiT, Relay FM, SMR Podcast and Daily Tech News Show.

Sal Soghoian

Sal Soghoian

For two decades plus, Sal has championed user automation from both inside and outside of Apple.

Ray Robertson

Ray Robertson

As the principle for Automated Workflows Inc., Ray has trained and inspired scripters from around the world. And as host of our Scripting Boot Camp, he shares decades of automation expertise and insight with the class.


Brett Terpstra

Brett lives to speed up workflows. Also a web and app developer, he writes, authors books, and hosts the Systematic and Overtired podcasts.


Jon Pugh

A pillar of the original AppleScript team, Jon also worked on OpenDoc, spent a decade at Adobe on InDesign, and now helps developers secure mobile apps.


Jason Snell

Lead editor at Macworld for a decade, Jason now writes at Six Colors and hosts numerous podcasts on the Relay FM and Incomparable networks.

Shelly Brisbin

Shelly Brisbin

Author of 15 books, including iOS Access for All, Shelly has covered technology in leading publications for more than two decades. A renowned expert in tech and accessibility, she also hosts The Parallel podcast.


John Welch

Like all good admins, John is lazy, thus the scripts. AppleScript since System 7 Pro, but also REXX, shell, DOS Batch, OS/2 Batch, VBA, PowerCLI, etc.


David Sparks

Lawyer by day, David Sparks writes and podcasts about the best tools and workflows to get work done for Macworld magazine,, MacSparky Field Guides, and the Mac Power Users and Free Agents podcasts.


Allison Sheridan

From engineering military equipment to managing 150 system admins, Allison knows things. A 12-year veteran host of Podfeet Podcasts, she also guests on TWiT, Relay FM, SMR Podcast and Daily Tech News Show.

Sal Soghoian

Sal Soghoian

For two decades plus, Sal has championed user automation from both inside and outside of Apple.

Sal Soghoian

Ray Robertson

As the principle for Automated Workflows Inc., Ray has trained and inspired scripters from around the world. And as host of our Scripting Boot Camp, he shares decades of automation expertise and insight with the class.

Schedule* • Wed August 9th (9AM—10PM)



Sal Soghoian opens the conference.


Understanding ‘Why’ Automate

From experience with massive data centers, John Welch unpacks the ‘why’ of automation from all points of view. Hear the story of the deep-fried sock. Find out which types of circumstances automation can benefit and when not to bother. A can’t miss session for admins as well as developers.


The macOS Scripting Trilogy

Even experts will learn something new, and everyone will gain insight. Join Automation guru Sal Soghoian as he reveals power features of AppleScript, AppleScriptObj-C, and JavaScript for Automation (JXA) that are often hidden in plain sight.


Morning Break



More than Automator

There’s more to Automator than the drag-and-drop creation of “automation recipes.” Learn what workflow variables, contextual system integration, and direct access to all of the automation power of the OS can do for you.


Managing iOS Devices

Configuring hundreds – or thousands – of iPads one-by-one would be a nightmare! Discover how Fortune 100 companies, schools, and even government agencies manage multiple iPads at once. Find out how to refresh and restore iOS devices using Automator and Apple Configurator.





iOS Automation Using Workflow

Turn a webpage to a .pdf on your iPhone. Call an Uber for the address on your next calendar appointment. Turn photos to GIFs and distribute. Workflow revolutionized automation for iPhones and iPads and earned an Apple Design Award. David shows you how to put this groundbreaking tool to work for you.


Code-free Automation

Automation experts forget that you don't always have to roll your own. Learn about using automation without a lick of programming. Hear from the boots-on-the-ground perspective, and in this case, using automation in a production environment.


Afternoon Break



Script Magic for macOS and iOS

The Omni Group introduces full application object-model scripting for their apps on both macOS and iOS. Based on JavaScript Core in WebKit, Omni Automation scripts can automate application processes, can receive data from and be executed by JavaScript scripts hosted in web page, and can be integrated with Apple’s Workflow app on iOS. Write-once scripting is closer than ever!


Accessibility and Automation

Find out how user automation and the accessibility tools of macOS and iOS can be used together to dramatically change the way people work and learn. Accessibility expert Shelly Brisbin outlines the practicalities of “accessible automation” with examples of what you can do today, and explains what app developers should consider for tomorrow.


Late Break



Jon Pugh

Join us for a rare opportunity as an original member of the AppleScript team shares how AppleScript was created. Gain insight into the universality of automation. Learn from their experience (and mistakes) in this special session


Dinner/Evening Break



Automating Automation

Brett will show you the command line utilities and services on macOS that you can use to make your automations fully... automated. From osascript to mdfind, it's time to fire up Terminal.


Open-Mic Automation Slam!

Attendees strut your stuff! Show everyone your favorite, or most impressive, automation solution. Sign up during the conference. Compete for the award.


Live: Six Colors Podcast

Internationally recognized Apple podcaster, Jason Snell, hosts a speaker discussion about the current state of automation and its future in a live podcast. Bring questions and comments and let your voice be heard.

Schedule* • Wed August 9th (9AM—10PM)



Sal Soghoian opens the conference.


Understanding ‘Why’ Automate

From experience with massive data centers, John Welch unpacks the ‘why’ of automation from all points of view. Hear the story of the deep-fried sock. Find out which types of circumstances automation can benefit and when not to bother. A can’t miss session for admins as well as developers.


The macOS Scripting Trilogy

Even experts will learn something new, and everyone will gain insight. Join Automation guru Sal Soghoian as he reveals power features of AppleScript, AppleScriptObj-C, and JavaScript for Automation (JXA) that are often hidden in plain sight.


Morning Break


More than Automator

There’s more to Automator than the drag-and-drop creation of “automation recipes.” Learn what workflow variables, contextual system integration, and direct access to all of the automation power of the OS can do for you.


Managing iOS Devices

Configuring hundreds – or thousands – of iPads one-by-one would be a nightmare! Discover how Fortune 100 companies, schools, and even government agencies manage multiple iPads at once. Find out how to refresh and restore iOS devices using Automator and Apple Configurator.




iOS Automation Using Workflow

Turn a webpage to a .pdf on your iPhone. Call an Uber for the address on your next calendar appointment. Turn photos to GIFs and distribute. Workflow revolutionized automation for iPhones and iPads and earned an Apple Design Award. Learn how to put this groundbreaking tool to work for you.


Code-free Automation

Automation experts forget that you don't always have to roll your own. Learn about using automation without a lick of programming. Hear from the boots-on-the-ground perspective, and in this case, using automation in a production environment.


Afternoon Break


Script Magic for macOS and iOS

The Omni Group introduces full application object-model scripting for their apps on both macOS and iOS. Based on JavaScript Core in WebKit, Omni Automation scripts can automate application processes, can receive data from and be executed by JavaScript scripts hosted in web page, and can be integrated with Apple’s Workflow app on iOS. Write-once scripting is closer than ever!


Accessibility and Automation

Find out how user automation and the accessibility tools of macOS and iOS can be used together to dramatically change the way people work and learn. Accessibility expert Shelly Brisbin outlines the practicalities of “accessible automation” with examples of what you can do today, and explains what app developers should consider for tomorrow.


Late Break


Jon Pugh

Join us for a rare opportunity as an original member of the AppleScript team shares how AppleScript was created. Gain insight into the universality of automation. Learn from their experience (and mistakes) in this special session


Dinner/Evening Break


Automating Automation

Brett will show you the command line utilities and services on macOS that you can use to make your automations fully... automated. From osascript to mdfind, it's time to fire up Terminal.


Open-Mic Automation Slam!

Attendees strut your stuff! Show everyone your favorite, or most impressive, automation solution. Sign up during the conference. Compete for the award.


Live: Six Colors Podcast

Internationally recognized Apple podcaster, Jason Snell, hosts a speaker discussion about the current state of automation and its future in a live podcast. Bring questions and comments and let your voice be heard.

*Shift happens: schedule subject to change without notice.

Register for CMD-D Today!

Hilton Santa Clara

Hilton Santa Clara

Hosted at the Hilton Santa Clara, CMD-D is a day-long conference filled with insightful challenging sessions, camaraderie, and conversations. And for those new to Automation, we’re planning an optional Scripting Boot Camp on August 8th, the day before the conference. Register today! You don’t want to miss this!

Ticketing by Eventbrite


wordpress themes by wpicus

wordpress themes by wpicus


The Omni Group


JAMF The Omni Group

About CMD-D

CMD-D Masters of Automation is a collaborative project of Paul Kent, Naomi Pearce and Sal Soghoian. Drawing upon Paul’s decades of producing Macworld Expo, and Sal’s long history as an automation advocate, CMD-D furthers the notion that the power of the computer should reside in the hands of the one using it.

Scripting the CMD-D Logo

Of course the CMD-D logo was created using scripting, on my iPad! The script is written in OmniJS, the Omni Group’s new cross-platform (macOS and iOS) implementation of JavaScript Core. Watch this movie, and then try it yourself!—Sal





CMD-D 2018 Down-Home Scripting Boot Camp Main Page